Social Media Rules of Conduct

Welcome to Zurich’s social media channels.

We created our social media channels for a wide audience, to provide information and to exchange ideas. Feel free to share your opinions, but please bear in mind that we are heavily regulated and therefore, in particular, we will not comment on any market speculation.

Zurich reserves the right to remove any content, including any user-submitted content, that is or can be perceived as:
  • Offensive or abusive
  • Unrelated, out of context, spam or related to other companies
  • Using language inappropriate for a public page
  • Not complying with laws and regulations, or rules of any social media channel (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), or encourages others to do so
  • Fraudulent, deceptive or containing factual errors
  • Representing an abuse of any intellectual property rights, such as copyright
  • Containing names or personal information related to Zurich’s employees, customers, and claimants
  • Communicating personal information about anyone else

Zurich reserves the right to modify these rules at any time. Users found to violate any of the above may be banned from our social medial channels without warning by Zurich at any time. If you are a Zurich client and have specific questions about your relationship with Zurich, we cannot answer you in the public section of the channels. Instead, please feel free to contact us directly at or, if possible, through a private message posted on the relevant channel.

Zurich hosts its social media pages but is not affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ or any other platform provider. Therefore, we do not have any control over how these or other third parties use the information you share on the site. You should be familiar with each platform’s privacy and security policies, and understand how your information can be displayed and used throughout the site, as well as by other third-party sites that may be linked to the social media platform. Please note that Zurich is not responsible for the privacy or security policies or practices applied by such providers or any other third parties.

You can review all relevant platform privacy and security policies here:

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube


Zurich will apply the principles stated in our privacy policy to contributions to any of our social media channels.

Because social media channels are public platforms and anyone can participate, we cannot be responsible for views expressed other than our own. Please also note that we may post links to third-party sites. However, this does not in any way constitute an official endorsement of the respective sites, content or company.

Zurich will never ask you for any personal information on any social media channel, so please never disclose your personal information or policy details in the public space of our channels.

The information provided by Zurich or its employees on its social media channels is for information purposes only. Nothing on Zurich’s social media channels should be construed as a solicitation, offer, advice, recommendation, or any other service to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other investment or transaction. For information about any specific products and/or country, please visit the respective website. In addition, nothing on Zurich’s social media channels constitutes a promise or offer of employment.

For further information, please refer to the Terms of Use on that also apply to Zurich’s social media channels